宥恕「岛鸣海外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」亚星轮盘
8月中旬,国家发改委发布一份文件,2021年上半年各地区“能耗双控”目标完成情况测评“晴雨表”。结果显示,部分地区能耗强度不降反升,9省区列为一级预警地区。若是你可爱北大欧好意思的私有空闲,那么本期共享的这座位于加拿大东岸的Strum Island一定壅塞错过。
If you appreciate the unique charm of the North Atlantic, then Strum Island, located on the east coast of Canada, is a destination you won't want to miss.
www.crownsportshub.comStrum Island位于新斯科舍省南岸,摆布场面如画的马宏湾镇。该岛距大陆仅3分钟船程,抵达大陆船埠后,驱车约5分钟即可到达马宏湾。
Strum Island is situated on the southern shore of Nova Scotia, near the picturesque town of Mahone Bay. The island is just a 3-minute boat ride from the mainland, and once you reach the mainland dock, a 5-minute drive will take you to Mahone Bay.
This serene 10-acre island boasts meticulously manicured landscapes and beautiful gardens. It features greenhouses, walking trails, and thousands of native trees and plants, creating a perfect environment that harmonizes with nature.
Strum Island上的主屋占地跨越9,500以前英尺,分两个阶段建造而成,闲雅的蓄意将质朴元素与过渡作风无缺勾通。主住宅设有两层起居空间,包括多个宽阔的客厅和失业区。三层为豪华的主东说念主套房,设有宽阔的卧室、私东说念主休息室和孤苦浴室,尽显挥霍与称心。四楼则设有一个360度不雅景塔,顶部是传统灯塔作风的寡妇走说念,可尽览四周好意思景。
The main house on Strum Island spans over 9,500 square feet and was constructed in two phases. Its elegant design beautifully integrates rustic elements with transitional style. The main residence offers two levels of living space, including multiple spacious living and leisure areas. The third floor houses a luxurious master suite with a spacious bedroom, private lounge, and en-suite bathroom, exuding luxury and comfort. The fourth floor features a 360-degree observation tower, above of which is a traditional lighthouse-inspired widow's walk, providing stunning panoramic views.
菠菜信誉老平台洗米华太阳城The residence includes six suites, each with its own en-suite bathroom and ample natural light, offering ultimate privacy and comfort. Upon entering the main house, you are greeted by a unique walnut-carved bar with exquisite design. The open interior features a media room, exercise area, and an impressive, fully-equipped kitchen, ideal for gourmet culinary creations or intimate weekend brunches.
皇冠账号Additionally, the main house boasts a spectacular great room with a bar and signature fireplace, perfect for social gatherings or family meals. A butler's pantry offers convenience for daily living, while the library provides an ideal reading retreat. You can also unwind in the rose cottage with its hot tub or use the boathouse for storing and maintaining boats and other water activities equipment.
岛上还设有船屋、海滩小屋和职工寝室,为宾客或其他用途提供了纯确实迥殊空间。外部门径包括多个船面、用餐区和一个船埠,安妥各式户外看成和文娱。岛上以致设有直升机停机坪,粗浅高效的交通交游,让 你不错随时享受这片宁静的私东说念主天国。
The island also includes a boathouse, beach cottage, and staff quarters, providing flexible additional space for guests or other purposes. Outdoor facilities comprise multiple decks, a dining area, and a dock, suitable for various outdoor activities and entertainment. The island even features a helicopter pad, ensuring efficient and convenient transportation, allowing you to enjoy this tranquil private paradise at any time.
Strum Island的蓄意充分筹商了安全性、掩盖性和可抓续性。该物业提供全套产品,包括两艘船和统统里面摆设,并配备备用电源、暖气、食品和水源。此外,岛上的补给通过船只和船埠运输进行,也可继承直升机抵达,确保您在这里不错一年多不离岛。
欧洲杯预选赛赛程2024Strum Island is designed with safety, privacy, and self-sustainability in mind. As a turn-key property, it comes fully furnished, including two boats and all interior furnishings. The island is equipped with backup power, heating, food, and water supplies. Additionally, resupply via boat and dock transport, as well as helicopter arrivals, ensures you can stay on the island for more than a year.
Strum Island是永恒产权岛屿,现在以1150万好意思元(约合1580万加元)的价钱挂牌出售。如有深嗜深嗜,迎接私信谈论。
Strum Island is a freehold island currently listed for sale at $11.5 million USD (approximately $15.8 million CAD). If interested, please feel free to contact us for more information.
Thanks for your time. Until next time.
长春亚泰队在中超联赛第12轮的主场比赛中迎战深圳队。比赛进行到第10分钟,奥克雷用头球摆渡,莱昂纳多接球后向内内切,然后将球突然地向后踩给了汪晋贤。汪晋贤跟进并直接打入了一个漂亮的远角进球,让长春亚泰队1比0领先深圳队。汪晋贤的表现真的很出色,他展现了非常自信的踢球风格。 值得注意的是,汪晋贤已经连续两场比赛都在进攻中发挥着重要的作用。在上一轮对阵北京国安队的比赛中,他还送出了1个助攻。可以说,汪晋贤正在逐渐进入最佳状态,成为了长春亚泰队进攻体系中不可或缺的一员。那个曾经的“汪球王”似乎重新回来了。
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皇冠代理登20100 Jewel Point|已获开导批准的巴哈马私东说念主半岛
0099 Island Oasis|领有当代化豪宅的海上绿洲
0098 Jewel Caye|可拎包入住的伯利兹小岛
0097 Temple Island|这座澳洲昆士兰的私东说念主岛屿行将拍卖
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Global Domain 「岛鸣海外」是私东说念主岛屿生计神色的见识者,奋勉于提供众人限度内信得过灵验的私东说念主岛屿销售信息及配套就业。在后疫情和地缘政事突破风险加大的新时间配景下,为高净值东说念主群对资金安全和东说念主身安全的双重需求建议立异性的措置决议。